Sunday, October 29, 2017

Kevin on Cause!

There is a cause for everything.
If you pick up a knife it will never cut you unless you perform the act of cutting. This is elementary.
The same principle applies to health.
Unless you do the things that cause ill-health you will never have to suffer.
• This means that we have to use our intelligence.
• It means that we must know what is right and what is wrong. We must know what is beneficial and what is harmful. Is this asking too much?
We all have our choices to make.

From Kevins FB Post


If by some misfortune, ignorance or innocence the acute illness or healing effort of the body has been in some way suppressed and the disease has become chronic it is then necessary to ensure that there is retrogression.
When retrogression takes place the chronic disease changes into an acute disease again.
When the acute disease is present this allows us to avail ourselves of the self-healing power of the body. 
If the acute disease is treated correctly the sick organism will be restored to normal health again.
This same principle applies also to the so-called destructive diseases. A destructive disease can be caused to retrogress and become a chronic disease, which in turn can become an acute disease.
The only rational treatment for any acute disease is the Fast. Providing the causes of the disease have been removed, the environment is congenial, and there are no contra-indications, the patient suffering from an acute disease should be put to bed and fasted. Full instructions for conducting a fast will be found in any good book on fasting.
If we understand the difference an acute disease and a chronic disease, and if we understand the difference between Cure and Suppression we will be able to avoid making mistakes.
We will be able to avoid all the useless treatments which are masquerading under the title of “natural therapies” and be in a position to know which treatments are natural and beneficial and those treatments which are unnatural and useless under the circumstances.

From Kevins FB Post


If your organism has been broken down by years of wrong living and mismanagement, it would be illogical and unreasonable to demand a miracle.
This is the time for PATIENCE.
It sometimes takes a little time to get well. 
All we can do is to intelligently remove all obstacles to healing.
We must give up those old living-habits which we now know have actually caused our illness.

From Kevins FB Post

Kevin On the matter of 'Disease' - it's diagnosis and prognosis.

On the matter of 'Disease' - it's diagnosis and prognosis.
People are constantly ringing me, or writing letters asking for my advice.
Very often I am able to help them, but there are limits.
Sometimes it is not possible to accurately visualise the condition of a patient from the description given in a letter or over the telephone. 
Now that I am retired I usually advise these people to consult a competent naturopath.
The situation inevitably arises when we will ask the question… “Has this patient a chance of survival?”
We want to help those people but often their enthusiasm overshadows the real facts and possibilities.
Let us assume the patient has a terminal disease and their medical advisers say that life expectancy is only two months.
• These doctors must have good reasons for issuing this prognosis.
• They must surely have given thought to the question.
• They probably realise that the patient cannot survive unless the digestive system is able to utilise the food being eaten.
• If the food is not being assimilated then it is only a matter of time before the reserves will become depleted, and when this happens, the patient will die.
I have always regarded the temperature as a good guide to the latent vitality present in any organism, but it is not the only one.
There may be sufficient vitality to allow the body to make one last vigorous effort to heal itself, but it may not be sufficient to ensure recovery.
Many other factors must be considered, which a lay person may not take into account.
As well as the temperature we should also know
• the blood pressure,
• breathing rhythm and
• pulse.
The blood-pressure can be roughly estimated by inspection of the iris or by palpating the temporal artery, but a lay person could not do this.
The breathing rhythm may be too slow or uneven. Here again only a qualified person could accurately judge.
The pulse may be weak, too slow or uneven. A lay person would not be qualified to determine whether the pulse is satisfactory or not.
But, even if these signs are all normal we cannot assume that recovery will be automatic.
We must also know
• whether food is being digested and assimilated,
• and if the kidneys are functioning normally.
• Inspection of the faeces will tell us if the food remains undigested and is simply passing through the body unused.
• Testing the urine with a urinometer will tell us if the kidneys have ceased functioning. If the specific gravity of the urine falls to that of water, it would be wise to assume that death is inevitable.
This was sent to me by Mr Jaffrey to prepare me for the inevitable situation in which a person seeks help after going through most of the traditional courses of healing.
I offer it to those who are confused on the matter of diagnostics.

From Kevins FB Post

Kevin Hinton on how energy is lost?

Q: how energy is lost
A: Physical, chemical and mental
Physical: - Through overwork – stressing the frame
Chemical: - Through excessive food intake / Improper foods or imbalance in the glands.
Mental: Through any of the numerous emotions such as fear, worry, hatred etc.

From Kevins FB Post

Kevin Hinton on Acute Diseases and Remedies

The fact is that most acute diseases are self-limiting and run their course - After they have done so, the patient is usually restored to their former normal health.
In most cases, the patient recovers in spite of the treatment and not because it is effective. 
The human organism always HEALS ITSELF when healing takes place. 
The remedy employed has no beneficial effect whatever on the speed or efficiency of the healing process. 
The remedy sometimes modifies the symptoms or delays healing, but it NEVER accelerates it.

From Kevin Hinton's FB Post

K S Jaffrey on Sleep

A member has asked a question regarding sleep and an inability to conform to its basic functions. Here is an excerpt from a fine article by Mr Jaffrey - written in 1984.
"We must first accept the postulate that insomnia, nightmare and somnambulism are symptoms of disease. They are outward reflections of something wrong within. Anything which interferes with the normal natural biological functions of the human body must be classed as potential causes of disease. Heeding the old cliche "Anything, can cause anything" we search for any chemical, mechanical or mental factors which can enervate any part of the organism, obstruct the free flow of nerve force, blood and lymph or cause an impairment of the composition of the blood and tissues.
These factors may be physical trauma, strains, stresses, fixations or, malpositioning of any part of the body structure.
The osteopath may find structural lesions, while the chiropractor may find what he calls subluxations of bony joints.
On the other hand the factors we are looking for may be chemical in origin. They may be poisons in the environment carried by air, water or soil. They may be unsuitable, over-refined, adulterated, artificially coloured, flavoured or preservatized foods.
Chemical factors may also be derived from over-eating, eating too often, eating too quickly, insufficient mastication or eating when mentally disturbed.
Other factors may be purely mental in origin such as negative, pessimistic or destructive thoughts, fear, worry, jealousy and many other harmful mental states.
These unfavourable factors may cause the organism to go into a state of stress, spasm or inactivity thus leading to enervation.
Any or all of these adverse factors can lead to a depletion of nerve-force in various parts of the body. Combinations of adverse factors can lead to stresses on specific areas of the brain and these can lead to aberrations of the sleep pattern.
We in the natural healing profession like to see sleep as a normal circadian rhythm which is derived from a need for regular periods of rest and relaxation.
Sleep provides the most perfect form of relaxation known. No other process can provide the perfect relaxation of the body tissues which naturally occurs during normal sleep. No other process provides such perfect unconsciousness without the side effects caused by anaesthetic drugs. No other process allows the whole organism to detoxicate itself so efficiently.
In conclusion we assert that sleep is a perfectly natural and normal circadian rhythm which provides regular relaxation, unconsciousness, detoxication of body tissues and conservation of energy."

-From Kevin Hinton's FB Post

Saturday, October 21, 2017

உபவாசம் (Fasting)

#fasting #space #nature_cure #natural_life_style #arun_sharma #kevin_hinton#health #வெளி #இடைவெளி #வெற்றிடம் #இயற்கை_வாழ்வியல்#இயற்கை_மருத்துவம்
உபவாசம் (Fasting)
Space - வெளி (அ) இடைவெளி (அ) வெற்றிடம் (அ) ஆகாய தத்துவம்!
ஆரோக்கிய வாழ்வை உயிரோட்டமுள்ள ஒரு வாழ்வு என்று கூறகேட்டிருக்கலாம். உயிர் ஓடி கொண்டிருப்பதற்கு வெளி, வெற்றிடம் அவசியம், தொடர்ச்சியாக உணவை திணிக்கும்(Over Eating, Frequent Eating) பொழுது உயிரோட்டம் தடைபடுகிறது, ஆரோக்கியமும் குறைகிறது மாறாக உண்டது செரிமானமான பிறகு, நன்கு பசித்து, தேவையான அளவு மட்டும் உண்ணும் பழக்கம் உடையவர்கள் நல்ல ஆரோக்கியம் பெற்றவர்களாக இருப்பதை பார்க்கலாம்.
ஆரோக்கியத்தை பெருக்கும் முயற்சியில் உபவாசம்(Fasting) மிக முக்கிய பங்கு வகிக்கிறது. தடைபட்டருக்கும் உயிரோட்டத்தை சீர்படுத்துதல் மற்றும் முழுமையான ஓய்வளித்தல்(Complete Resting) மூலம் உபவாசம் ஆரோக்கியத்தை பெருக்குகிறது.
அரசியல் காரணங்களுக்காக உபவாசம்(பட்டினி), ஆன்மீக முன்னேற்றத்திற்கான உபவாசம்(பட்டினி) போன்ற பல காரணங்களுக்காக உபவாசம் கடைபிடிக்க படுகிறது, இவை அனைத்திற்குமே மனோபலம் அவசியமாகிறது, ஆரோக்கியத்தை பெருக்குவதற்கான உபவாசம் மனோபலத்தை(Willpower) கொண்டு செய்யப்படுவதில்லை அதற்கு கீழே கூறப்பட்டிருக்கும் படிகள் அவசியமாகிறது
1. உபவாசம் பற்றிய அறிவியலை புரிந்து கொள்ளுதல்
2. உபவாசம் இருப்பவர்களின் அனுபவங்களை கேட்டறிதல்
3. உபவாசங்களை நிர்வகித்த ஆசிரியரிடம் தொடர்பு ஏற்படுத்தி கொள்ளுதல்
4. உபவாசம் இருப்பதற்கு தயார் படுத்துதல்
5. உபவாச காலத்தை படி படியாக அதிகப்படுத்துதல் (Progressive Fasting)
6. குறிப்பிட்ட காலத்திற்கு ஒரு முறை உபவாசம் இருப்பது (Periodic Fasting)
7. தீவிர நோய் காலத்தில் உபவாசம் இருந்து குணபடுத்தி கொள்ளுதல்(Fasting during crisis)
8. உபவாசத்தை முடிக்கும் வழிமுறைகளை கடைப்பிடித்தல்
வினோத் குமார் வி எஸ்